Where to Start When I Am Just Starting with Qualitative Analysis and ATLAS.ti Software?

Here are some basic resources to get you started. Among those recommended are publications (some in English) that explain the issues in a clear way.
However, this is not a list of all good sources of information (books, articles or YouTube videos), of which there are many. So take this as a first step and continue to look for sources that will help you, especially in relation to the nature of the research and the research question.

Books (Not Only) on Qualitative Methods

Novotná et al. (eds) (2020): Metody výzkumu ve společenských vědách. FHS UK.
Švaříček, R., Šeďová, K. (2007/2014): Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách. Portal.
Yin, R. (2016): Qualitative research from start to finish. Guilford Press.  (for borrowing in the Geographic Library ask the librarian)

Thematic Analysis
Braun, V., Clark, V. (2022): Thematic analysis. A practical guide. Sage.

An Anchored Theory

Strauss, A., Corbin, J. (1999): Základy kvalitativního výzkumu: postupy a techniky metody zakotvené teorie. Sdružení Podané ruce.

Working with ATLAS.ti Software
Friese, S. (2019): Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti. Sage. (for borrowing in the Geographic Library ask the librarian)